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October 2, 2024
60 Min

Global Climate Reporting for Consumer Brands

Join experts from Planet FWD, Anthesis Group, and a panel of industry leaders as we bridge the gap between regulatory knowledge and real-world application.

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who should attend:
Sustainability leaders at food, agriculture and consumer goods companies.

you'll learn

Building on the foundational knowledge from our comprehensive carbon reporting guide, this webinar takes you beyond theory and into real-world application. In this installment of Planet FWD's Catalysts Series, we're taking your knowledge to the next level with an in-depth look at real-world implementation strategies for five of the most relevant carbon reporting regulations and frameworks for consumer companies.

This webinar offers a peek behind the curtain of how leading global consumer brands are putting theory into practice. Through a series of illuminating case studies, we'll explore the practical strategies, innovative solutions, and lessons learned by companies with complex international supply chains as they navigate:

*EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

*Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and Digital Product Passport (DPP)

*California's Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act (SB 253, SB 261)

*Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and FLAG requirements

Join experts from Planet FWD, Anthesis Group, and a panel of industry leaders as we bridge the gap between regulatory knowledge and real-world application. Each case study will provide actionable insights on data collection, supply chain engagement, reporting strategies, and leveraging technology to streamline compliance.

Head of marketing

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