Consumers are looking for brands that align with their lifestyles — including taking a stance on climate change. Showcase your commitment with the PLANET FWD is Carbon Neutral Seal.
Every action counts. That’s why we have developed a best-in-class standard for carbon neutrality. Ensuring that brands that work with PLANET FWD are creating real impact.
1. Calculate greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with global standards
Planet FWD follows international standards: GHG Protocol, PAS 2050, and ISO 14040/4
2. Establish a plan for emissions reductions that is specific, measurable, and impactful
Planet FWD helps identify and quantify opportunities for emissions reductions
3. Offset unavoidable emissions with carbon credits that meet Planet FWD’s criteria for additionality, quantification, permanence, registration, and social and environmental impacts
Planet FWD has vetted carbon credit providers against strict criteria for measurability, additionality, permanence, and avoidance of social and environmental harms
4. Communicate carbon neutrality commitments
Support transparency and prevent consumer confusion with carbon labelling by working with Planet FWD guidelines
To ensure consistency in life cycle assessments across all Planet FWD carbon neutral products, greenhouse gas emissions life cycle assessments are conducted as cradle-to-grave assessments using Planet FWD’s CarbonScopeData life-cycle inventory (LCI) database.
Go to our Standards page for more detail on PLANET FWD protocol for Carbon Neutrality.