SBTi FLAG 101: Learn the Basics
Learn the basics about setting forest, land and agriculture targets.
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What Is FLAG All About?
The forest, land and agriculture sector represents nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - the largest emitting sector after energy.
While thousands of companies report their GHG emissions to investors and stakeholders, few account for the emissions from deforestation and land use change, or include them in reduction targets. A key barrier for many companies has been the lack of available guidance and methods - until the SBTi developed its FLAG Guidance. The guidance enables companies to reduce the 22% of global greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use.
To help you gain clarity and understand your next steps for setting FLAG targets, we've created an education series of articles and an on-demand masterclass.

[fs-toc-h2] Tracing the Roots: A Brief Historical Overview
In September 2022, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) unveiled the Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) Science Based Target Setting Guidance. This directive was tailored specifically for sectors heavily vested in the land, such as food, agriculture, and forestry, to chart out science-backed targets encompassing land-induced emissions and their removal. Fast forward to June 2023 when SBTi announced new implementation timelines for FLAG target setting and recalculation to align with the publication of the GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance.
[fs-toc-h2] The SBTi FLAG Guidance: A Path to Achieving the Paris Agreement (1.5°C)
At its core, the SBTi FLAG Guidance offers companies a common, consistent and rigorous scientific framework. This guides enterprises on the magnitude and pace of trimming down land-associated emissions in sync with the Paris Agreement. Armed with the FLAG tool and guidance, companies can strategically align their FLAG-centric emissions to a trajectory compatible with a 1.5°C world. The SBTi FLAG Guidance Document (and science-based targets for FLAG) apply specifically to the land-related emissions and removals (that qualify under the GHG Protocol accounting guidance) in a company’s direct emissions and supply chain.
[fs-toc-h2] Unpacking SBTi FLAG Requirements
- Set near-term FLAG targets: 5-10 year emission reduction targets in line with limiting warming to 1.5°C.
- Account for removals in near-term FLAG targets: GHG removals include things like improving forest management practices, and enhancing soil carbon sequestration on working lands. Read more on how the FLAG pathways address carbon removals here.
- Set long-term FLAG targets: Companies in the forest, land and agriculture sectors will reduce at least 72% of emissions by no later than 2050. They should use the SBTi Net-Zero Standard to set long-term FLAG targets.
- Zero deforestation targets must be set for no later than 2025: In line with the Accountability Framework initiative (AFi). Read more on how this guidance accounts for land-use change emissions here.
- Set targets for fossil emissions: Businesses with land-based emissions are required to set FLAG targets AND Energy/Industry targets, since all companies produce fossil emissions.
While the land sector has been historically difficult to evaluate with GHG accounting and target-setting approaches, FLAG nonetheless represents about 22% of net anthropogenic GHG emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent (~13 GtCO2e per year). About half of those emissions come from agriculture and half from land use, land-use change and forestry. In terms of mitigation, the land sector could contribute up to 37% of the emissions reductions and removals needed through 2030, and 20% through 2050
[fs-toc-h2] The SBTi FLAG Guidance: A Path to Achieving the Paris Agreement (1.5°C)
Although GHG emissions from the FLAG sector need to be significantly reduced by 2050, agricultural production is expected to increase by about 50% by then to meet increased food demand

Click here for part 2 of our FLAG series.
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