The Five Pillars of your Climate Action Blueprint
Identify where you stand and how to expand your climate action plans.
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The Climate Action and Innovation Matrix, a collaboration between Planet FWD and Climate Collaborative, is your definitive guide for aligning your brand and business strategy with environmental stewardship.
The Matrix encompasses 5 pillars of action to help you identify your current climate action position, then expand your 2024 (and beyond) plans for increased impact and efficiency.
[fs-toc-h2] Measure
Whether you are just starting your climate journey or are a seasoned expert, the foundational principles of climate impact measurement are the same.Climate action begins with establishing a baseline for your greenhouse gas emissions. The baseline serves as a starting point for tracking your progress and setting achievable targets for reducing your impact. A clear and defined baseline will also demonstrate transparency and credibility to your stakeholders, showing your dedication to addressing environmental concerns. Make sure to define specific goals to determine the scope of your measurements and the accuracy of your data. Whether you are Exploring or Pioneering in your climate work, we always recommend you work with reliable tools aligned to global standards (such as Greenhouse Gas Protocol and ISO) that are CDP-compliant and that you’re transparent about where your data comes from in your reports.
Be transparent about where your data comes from.
[fs-toc-h2] Commit
Whether you are just exploring a climate commitment or want to be on the leading edge of this work, you need to consider several key factors.
First, we highly recommend that your commitment is rooted in scientific data and aligned with The Paris Agreement (1.5° C). Ensure that your commitment is both ambitious and realistic, with a measurable and time-bound target. This allows for easy tracking and accountability. Clear communication about your commitment, as well as your plans to achieve it, is crucial. Remember, setting lofty targets without a well-defined plan poses risks to both the climate and your company.
Finally, it's essential to plan for the financial and operational implications of your commitment to guarantee that the necessary resources and strategies are in place to achieve your climate action goals.
Root your commitment in scientific data aligned with the Paris Agreement.
[fs-toc-h2] Act & Reduce
While it’s essential for you to take action on climate, experience has shown that the most impactful climate efforts are informed by a clear strategy. This strategy will guide your choices, enabling you to effectively focus your efforts on achieving specific environmental goals.
By strategically allocating both financial and human resources, you can maximize your return on investment in terms of emissions reductions, business continuity, and potential cost savings. A well-defined strategy can enhance your reputation among stakeholders, including shareholders, consumers, and employees, who are increasingly prioritizing sustainability.
A well-defined sustainability strategy can enhance your reputation among stakeholders.
[fs-toc-h2] Disclose
When you’re working on climate disclosure, it’s paramount for you to prioritize transparency, accuracy, and comprehensiveness in your reporting. For smaller companies, basic reporting may be sufficient. However, as larger enterprises increasingly prioritize their Scope 3 emissions and need to meet their targets (i.e. those set with SBTi) there is increasing pressure on all companies, including yours, to track and disclose emissions.
It is crucial for you to ensure that data is collected rigorously, is verified, and is based on recognized global standards. By aiming to disclose your entire environmental impact, from direct operations through your supply chain, you showcase your genuine commitment.
Larger companies should prioritize their Scope 3 Emissions.
[fs-toc-h2] Communicate
Effective communication with stakeholders about your climate commitments is essential for building trust, gaining support, and demonstrating authentic corporate responsibility. To effectively convey your climate goals, it is important to clearly articulate them, emphasizing the steps you have taken, the outcomes achieved, and any challenges faced. Utilizing various communication channels will enable you to reach a diverse range of stakeholders. By being honest, responsive, and proactive in your communications, you will create accountability and mitigate concerns of greenwashing. This approach will also reinforce your continued dedication to taking meaningful action on climate change.
Mitigate concerns of greenwashing with honest and proactive communications.

Get the complete Climate Action & Innovation Matrix now to access additional tools to aid your 2024 climate action planning.
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Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
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- For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing.
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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.