
Sustainability Spotlight: Three Apparel Brands Leading the Way

Apparel and textile companies are creating sustainable new solutions to address greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains, like innovative new materials and textile recycling. This guide showcases three leading apparel and textile companies that are lighting the way for sustainable fashion.

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Sustainability leaders, marketers and communicators

10% of global greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the apparel industry, according to a report from McKinsey & Company. But apparel companies are stepping up their sustainability game. From innovative new materials to textile recycling, brands are bringing exciting new solutions to the industry.

While innovation may be abundant, there is still a lag overall in the measurement of these emissions-reducing activities. And a lag in measurement means there’s no proof of the interventions’ impact.

This guide looks at three companies carving out a different path, innovating with the planet in mind and taking steps to measure and report that impact. Download the guide to learn from their success.

Head of marketing

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