
Guide to Regulations for Apparel Companies

Unravel the complex fabric of carbon regulations and frameworks for apparel companies. Our new in-depth guide covers the most important 18 GHG regulations and reporting frameworks specifically tailored for the apparel, footwear, and textile industry. It's a must-have resource for any company in this sector grappling with carbon compliance issues.

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Sustainability leaders, marketers and communicators

In today's rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, staying compliant with carbon disclosure requirements can feel like navigating a complex labyrinth. For apparel, footwear, and textile companies, the challenge is particularly acute as they face a myriad of regulations and frameworks across different markets.

This new comprehensive guide breaks down the 18 key regulations and frameworks you need to know, including crucial EU directives, US regulations, and global standards. It covers essential regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in Europe, Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Of particular interest are the newly added regulations specific to the industry. The guide highlights the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), which just went into effect in July 2023, the Digital Product Passport (DPP), and the proposed New York Fashion Act. These regulations are set to reshape the industry's approach to sustainability and transparency.

For each regulation, we've compiled a step-by-step checklist for compliance, timelines, and a summary of which companies are impacted. This guide helps you identify which regulations and frameworks apply specifically to your company based on its size, geography, and industry. Whether you're an SME or a large corporation, operating in the EU, US, or global markets, this guide has you covered.

At Planet FWD, we believe that knowledge is power. By arming yourself with the insights from this comprehensive guide, you'll be better equipped to meet your compliance obligations and drive your company's sustainability efforts forward. More than that, you'll be positioning your company as a leader in the transition to a low-carbon economy in the apparel and textile industry.

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